As part of our ongoing effort to address the problem of counterfeit components entering or leaving our facilities, EE ALL Parts has incorporated a proactive counterfeit component policy that implements specific avoidance practices aimed at keeping counterfeits out of our supplies. Counterfeit electronic components are a problem throughout the industry, affecting a large number of companies. It is only through diligent avoidance practices that counterfeit components can be kept out of electronic parts facilities.
Counterfeit Prevention Practices
One of the preventative measures that EE ALL Parts takes to prevent the presence of counterfeits in our supplies is to purchase our parts directly from three types of suppliers. They include: OCMs or Original Component Manufacturers, Authorized Remanufacturers, and Franchised Distributors. An ongoing business relationship based in trust and excellent past performance with our manufacturers and distributors ensures the quality of the components that we obtain and distribute.
Counterfeit Detection Practices
In order to avoid the inclusion of unapproved, suspect, or counterfeit components from entering our supplies, EE ALL Parts has implemented a specific set of policies designed to prevent them from slipping in unnoticed. Highlights of our counterfeit component avoidance or detection practices include:
Implementation of specific vendor qualification process
Adherence to industry standard of acceptability of electronic components
Educational/Training program for EE ALL Parts employees targeting counterfeit detection and avoidance
Ongoing workshops for EE ALL Parts employees targeting electronic counterfeit detection and avoidance
Employees conducting inspections must hold industry-accepted certifications
Resources to assist parts inspectors with identification of counterfeits including picture library with product images for comparative purposes
Inbound inspection process that provides a thorough and detailed anti-counterfeit analysis of the parts
Systematic and detailed process determining traceability of components. Untraceable components are not permitted to enter outbound supplies
Utilization of a final checklist designed to ensure the nature of the parts.
Obsolete or Hard-to-Find Components
Unfortunately, it is often necessary to obtain obsolete or hard-to-find components from sources other than OCMs or Original Component Manufacturers, Authorized Remanufacturers, or Franchised Distributors. In such cases, these parts are obtained through independent distributors or brokers.
The counterfeit component avoidance practices set in place to prevent inadvertent purchases of suspect parts include a strict monitoring of vender quality. These observations allow us to monitor the overall performance of these secondary distributors using a set number of criteria such as past performance and rigorous inspection procedures.